i first encountered the term last year, in an intriguing interview with a ceo named victor ho...
fivestars featured in the news
featured on forbes: customer loyalty in today’s modern retail world
“customer loyalty isn’t what it used to be. in fact, research company access development...
featured on business insider: smart shopping startup fivestars turned down vc money and almost died — now it’s worth hundreds of millions
“victor ho and his co-founder matt doka knew there was no money in the bank. the then-40...
featured in techcrunch: fivestars gets $50m to help small retailers run loyalty programs like their bigger rivals
“fivestars, a five year-old startup that has built a platform and app to run loyalty programs...
featured in venturebeat: fivestars raises $50 million to help small businesses build consumer loyalty
“engaging customers with rewards and special offers is smart business. instead of spending a...