interview questions that dig a little deeper

with last week’s blog post, we were able to help you find potential employees to interview for your small business. now that you have some candidates lined up, the most important thing is to make sure the employees you hire are top notch.

you probably have some go-to questions for your employee interviews, but with the help of one of our recruiters here at fivestars, i have put together a few questions for you to really get to know these people who will be ultimately representing your business to everyone who walks in the door.

here is a quick cheat sheet for you with a few extra questions to ask during an employee interview.

  1. to see if they have ambition or an entrepreneurial spirit: when was the first time you remember you were paid to do a task? what was that job or task, and why did you do it?
  2. to see understand their character: if your roommate or sibling could describe you in three words, what would those words be? for one of those three words, give an example of a time that you demonstrated that characteristic or why they would say those words about you?
  3. to see if they can think on their feet and check their problem solving skills: what is the biggest mistake you have made, and what did you do to fix it?

are you a small business owner? what are some other questions you ask to dig deeper with potential employees? share them in the comments section below!



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